We are guided by the principles of Embracing Biblical Truth, Opening Hearts, Welcoming All, Reforming Lives, Providing Hope, and Trusting Providence.

We empower our members to live out their faith actively, offering hope and healing to our community and beyond.

Together, we strive to reflect God’s covenantal blessings in all we do, equipping a new generation to lead lives marked by grace, compassion, and purpose.

Rooted in Scripture and propelled by the Spirit, we commit to nurturing strong relationships, embracing diversity, and promoting personal and communal transformation.

Our vision was inspired by the story of Ruth!



Campus Dei is an English-speaking community that extends a warm welcome to all but especially to the children of immigrants who are deeply committed to their traditions of faith and community service. Inspired by the STORY OF RUTH and her relationships with Naomi and Boaz — a narrative rich in themes of immigration and integration — we hold our heritage in high regard. This narrative not only highlights the journey of immigrants but also the profound manifestation of hesed (חֶסֶד), or loving-kindness, within the framework of God’s covenant with His people. We remember and seek to emulate the hesed love and covenant of blessing that God’s people extended to Ruth.


At Campus Dei, we believe in inclusivity. Here, every individual is invited to glean spiritual blessings and share them with our community. Setting us apart from many ethnic churches, we emphasize openness and the sharing of spiritual nourishment. Participants will ‘eat’ off the spiritual food and ‘drink’ from the water that promises everlasting life, ensuring that they will never thirst again. The intertwining of food, hospitality, and hesed love within the context of Campus Dei, and its reflection of both Korean culture and biblical principles, offers a rich tapestry through which to understand the gospel’s lived experience. This multifaceted approach not only honors the cultural heritage of the Korean community but also deeply aligns with the narrative traditions and theological emphases of the ancient Near East, revealing a universal aspect of God’s love and provision that transcends cultural boundaries.


We here at Campus Dei embrace Naomi’s story as a touchstone for understanding trauma and mental health. Their story of love and resilience reflects a profound and compassionate approach to ministry that acknowledges the complexities of human experience, especially within the context of immigration. This narrative, embedded within the broader tapestry of Scripture, provides a powerful lens through which to view our ministry’s commitment to addressing the deep emotional and psychological needs of our community. RESOURCES

Our Statement of Faith

Rooted in the Reformed Presbyterian tradition, we hold fast to the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, and the power of grace through Jesus Christ. Our community is founded on the historical revelation of God’s salvific plan. This narrative spans from the Ancient Near East, through the covenant with the Hebrew people, to the ultimate revelation in Jesus Christ, and the apostolic mission to the Gentiles by Paul.

1. The Sovereignty of God

We affirm the sovereignty of God in all things, including the salvation of humankind. This sovereign grace manifests in the predestination and election of God’s people, chosen before the foundation of the world for His glory and purposes. Our ministry joyfully submits to the will of God, acknowledging His ultimate authority over creation, providence, and redemption.

We believe that the Holy Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. They are the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. Scripture bears witness to Christ, the Word made flesh, through whom God has fully revealed Himself and His plan of salvation.

3. Salvation Through Christ Alone

We proclaim Jesus Christ as the only Savior and Lord, fully God and fully man. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Christ has accomplished definitive atonement for sin and has secured redemption for His people. We are justified by grace through faith in Christ alone, a faith that bears fruit in love and holiness.

We confess the holy catholic (universal) Church as the Body of Christ, composed of all true believers. Campus Dei, as part of this Body, participates in administering the sacraments instituted by Christ: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. These means of grace signify and seal the promises of God in Christ to His people.

As a Reformed Presbyterian community, we prescribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Heidelberg Catechism as faithful summaries of Scriptural doctrine. These confessions guide our understanding of God, humanity, salvation, and the Christian life, providing a theological framework that shapes our teaching, worship, and community life.

6. The Mission

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Campus Dei is committed to proclaiming the Gospel, making disciples, and serving the Kingdom of God in Bucks County and beyond. We are called to live out our faith in love and service, bearing witness to the hope in us through Christ Jesus.

Campus Dei seeks to glorify God, enjoy Him forever, and participate in His redemptive work. We are saints set apart for His glory, adopted through Jesus Christ, and called to a life of worship, community, and mission. By God's grace, we endeavor to walk in faithfulness to His Word, led by the Spirit, for the advancement of His Kingdom and the joy of all peoples.

Meet Our Servants

Chae D. Chong

Lead Pastor

Daniel Rhee

Ruling Elder

Patrick Lim


Samuel So


John Guindon Jr.


Sharon Jo

Secretary/Social Media

Chin Kim


Lisa Chong


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